API Reference

REST is the foundation of the Adilo API. Our API uses standard HTTP response codes, authentication, and verbs, accepts form-encoded request bodies, returns JSON-encoded responses, and uses predictable resource-oriented URLs

This guide will show you how to make use of the reference.



To authenticate and obtain production data, you'll need both public and secret API keys.

Getting your API Keys

For authentication and getting data, production endpoints require an API key. Make sure to create and obtain your API key from the Adilo dashboard's API Keys section - https://adilo.bigcommand.com/settings/api

Using your API Keys

'X-Public-Key: my-public-key'
'X-Secret-Key: my-secret-key'
'Content-Type: application/json'

You can use your API Key to gain access to API Endpoints once you've received it.

It is important to keep your API Key safe from prying eyes.


Our REST APIs cover the following

Projects Create, update, delete, view, search, view files, view folders of projects.
Folders Create, update and delete folders.
Files Create, update, delete, replace, get meta and download files.
Users Create, update and delete users.
Subtitles Upload, generate and download subtitles.
Translation Generate and download translation.
Contacts Delete and download contacts.



Create Project

Create new project for your current team

HTTP Request
POST https://adilo-api.bigcommand.com/v1/projects


Parameter Type Description
title* String This is the title of the project
description String This is the description of the project
locked Boolean Whether the project should be locked, default is false.
drm Boolean Whether the project has drm, default is false.
private Boolean Whether the project is private, default is false.
password String Password for the project if locked.


HTTP Status Explanation
200 OK The project was created
422 Unprocessed Entity The input data was invalid

List Projects

List all projects of your current team

HTTP Request
GET https://adilo-api.bigcommand.com/v1/projects

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description
From Integer The start filter of the results, default is 1
To Integer The amount of the results to fetch, default is 50


HTTP Status Explanation
200 OK The projects were fetched

Update Project

Update a project of your current team by it's id

HTTP Request
PUT https://adilo-api.bigcommand.com/v1/projects/{project_id}

Path Parameter

Parameter Type Description
project_id* String This is the ID of the project


Parameter Type Description
Title String This is the title of the project
Description String This is the description of the project
Locked Boolean Whether the project should be locked, default is false.
Drm Boolean Whether the project has drm, default is false.
Private Boolean Whether the project is private, default is false.
Password String Password for the project if locked


HTTP Status Explanation
200 OK The project was updated
403 Forbidden The action is not allowed
422 Unprocessed Entity The input data was invalid

Get Project By ID

Get a project of your current team by it's id

HTTP Request
GET https://adilo-api.bigcommand.com/v1/projects/{project_id}

Path Parameter

Parameter Type Description
project_id* String This is the ID of the project


HTTP Status Explanation
200 OK The project was fetched
403 Forbidden The action is not allowed

Delete Project

Delete a project of your current team by it's id

HTTP Request
DELETE https://adilo-api.bigcommand.com/v1/projects/{project_id}

Path Parameter

Parameter Type Description
project_id* String This is the ID of the project


HTTP Status Explanation
200 OK The project was deleted
403 Forbidden The action is not allowed

Search Project

Search projects of your current team

HTTP Request
GET https://adilo-api.bigcommand.com/v1/projects/search/{string}

Path Parameter

Parameter Type Description
string* String This is the value to be searched for

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description
From Integer The start filter of the results, default is 1
To Integer The amount of the results to fetch, default is 50


HTTP Status Explanation
200 OK The related projects were fetched

Get Folders By Project ID

Get project folders of your current team by it's id

HTTP Request
GET https://adilo-api.bigcommand.com/v1/projects/{project_id}/folders

Path Parameter

Parameter Type Description
project_id* String This is the ID of the project

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description
From Integer The start filter of the results, default is 1
To Integer The amount of the results to fetch, default is 50


HTTP Status Explanation
200 OK The project folders were fetched
403 Forbidden The action is not allowed

Get Files By Project ID

Get project files of your current team by it's id

HTTP Request
GET https://adilo-api.bigcommand.com/v1/projects/{project_id}/files

Path Parameter

Parameter Type Description
project_id* String This is the ID of the project

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description
From Integer The start filter of the results, default is 1
To Integer The amount of the results to fetch, default is 50


HTTP Status Explanation
200 OK The project files were fetched
403 Forbidden The action is not allowed

Example request and response data

Create project request data


Create project response data


List projects request data


List projects response data



Create Folder

Create new folder in a project

HTTP Request
POST https://adilo-api.bigcommand.com/v1/folders


Parameter Type Description
Name* String This is the name of the folder
project_id* String This is the id of the project in which the folder is to be created
parent_id String This is the parent folder_id of the new folder, the new folder will be a sub folder of the parent


HTTP Status Explanation
200 OK The folder was created
404 Not Found The project or parent folder not found
422 Unprocessed Entity The input data was invalid

Update Folder

Update a folder in your project by it's id

HTTP Request
PUT https://adilo-api.bigcommand.com/v1/folders/{folder_id}

Path Parameter

Parameter Type Description
folder_id* String This is the ID of the folder to be updated


Parameter Type Description
Name String This is the name of the folder
project_id String This is the id of the project in which the folder is to be created
parent_id String This is the parent folder_id of the new folder, the new folder will be a sub folder of the parent


HTTP Status Explanation
200 OK The folder was updated
403 Forbidden The action is not allowed
422 Unprocessed Entity The input data was invalid

Get Folder By ID

Get a project folder by it's id

HTTP Request
GET https://adilo-api.bigcommand.com/v1/folders/{folder_id}

Path Parameter

Parameter Type Description
folder_id* String This is the ID of the folder


HTTP Status Explanation
200 OK The folder was fetched
403 Forbidden The action is not allowed

Delete Folder

Delete a project folder by it's id

HTTP Request
DELETE https://adilo-api.bigcommand.com/v1/folders/{folder_id}

Path Parameter

Parameter Type Description
folder_id* String This is the ID of the folder


HTTP Status Explanation
200 OK The project was deleted
403 Forbidden The action is not allowed

Example request and response data

Create folder request data


Create folder response data


List folders request data


List folders response data



Create Video or Audio

Create a new video or audio file in a project.
File upload is done using multipart upload, to upload a new file, the following steps should be followed:

  1. Initiate video upload
  2. Get a signed upload URL for each part of your video (Each part must be atleast 5mb, this rule doesn't apply to the last part)
  3. Complete the multipart upload

1. Initiate file upload

HTTP Request
POST https://adilo-api.bigcommand.com/v1/files/upload/start


Parameter Type Description
filename* String This is the name of the file to be uploaded
filesize* Float This is the size in bytes of the file to be uploaded
duration_seconds* Integer This is the duration in seconds of the file to be uploaded
duration_string* String This is the duration in string of the file to be uploaded e.g "00:10:30" for a 10 minutes and 30 seconds video/audio
mime_type* String This is the mime type of the file e.g video/mp4, audio/mp3 e.t.c
project_id* String This is the id of the project to upload the file to
drm_protection* Boolean This deteremines if the video will have DRM protection


HTTP Status Explanation
200 OK The file upload was initiated
403 Forbidden This action is not allowed
422 Unprocessed Entity The input data was invalid

2. Get a signed upload URL for each part of your video

HTTP Request
GET https://adilo-api.bigcommand.com/v1/files/upload/get-signed-url/{uploadId}/{partNumber}

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description
key* String This is the file upload key

An upload URL is returned from this endpoint, this URL is used to upload the specified part of the file using a PUT method.
Here are some examples of how to upload a file/data using this url.


HTTP Status Explanation
200 OK Signed URL generated
403 Forbidden This action is not allowed
422 Unprocessed Entity The input data was invalid

3. Complete file upload

HTTP Request
POST https://adilo-api.bigcommand.com/v1/files/upload/complete


Parameter Type Description
key* String This is the key of the file upload
uploadId* String This is the uploadId of the file upload
parts* Array This is an array of parts of the file uploaded
parts.PartNumber* Array This is the part number
parts.ETag* String This is ETag gotten from the response header after uploading file part to signed Url


HTTP Status Explanation
200 OK The file upload was completed
403 Forbidden This action is not allowed
422 Unprocessed Entity The input data was invalid

Update File

Update a file in your project by it's id
To update a file, the following steps should be followed:

  1. Get a signed upload URL for file upload
  2. Complete the file upload

1. Get a signed upload URL for file upload

HTTP Request
GET https://adilo-api.bigcommand.com/v1/files/{file_id}/update/get-signed-url

Path Parameter

Parameter Type Description
file_id* String This is the ID of the file to be updated


Parameter Type Description
filename* String This is the name of the file to be uploaded
filesize* Float This is the size in bytes of the file to be uploaded
duration_seconds* Integer This is the duration in seconds of the file to be uploaded
duration_string* String This is the duration in string of the file to be uploaded e.g "00:10:30" for a 10 minutes and 30 seconds video/audio
mime_type* String This is the mime type of the file e.g video/mp4, audio/mp3 e.t.c
drm_protection* Boolean This deteremines if the video will have DRM protection
clear_statistics Boolean This determines whether to clear the statistics of the file to update, default is false


HTTP Status Explanation
200 OK Signed url generated
403 Forbidden The action is not allowed
422 Unprocessed Entity The input data was invalid

2. Complete the file update

HTTP Request
PUT https://adilo-api.bigcommand.com/v1/files/{file_id}/update/complete

Path Parameter

Parameter Type Description
file_id* String This is the ID of the file to be updated


HTTP Status Explanation
200 OK File updated
403 Forbidden The action is not allowed
422 Unprocessed Entity The input data was invalid

Get File By ID

Get a project file by it's id

HTTP Request
GET https://adilo-api.bigcommand.com/v1/files/{file_id}

Path Parameter

Parameter Type Description
file_id* String This is the ID of the folder


HTTP Status Explanation
200 OK The file was fetched
403 Forbidden The action is not allowed

Delete File

Delete a project file by it's id

HTTP Request
DELETE https://adilo-api.bigcommand.com/v1/files/{file_id}

Path Parameter

Parameter Type Description
file_id* String This is the ID of the file


HTTP Status Explanation
200 OK The file was deleted
403 Forbidden The action is not allowed

Get Meta Data Of File

Get a project file meta data by it's id

HTTP Request
GET https://adilo-api.bigcommand.com/v1/files/{file_id}/meta

Path Parameter

Parameter Type Description
file_id* String This is the ID of the file


HTTP Status Explanation
200 OK The file meta data was fetched
403 Forbidden The action is not allowed

Download File

Download a project file by it's id

HTTP Request
GET https://adilo-api.bigcommand.com/v1/files/{file_id}/download

Path Parameter

Parameter Type Description
file_id* String This is the ID of the file


HTTP Status Explanation
200 OK The download urls were generated
403 Forbidden The action is not allowed

Upload Subtitle

Upload subtitle for a project file by it's id

HTTP Request
POST https://adilo-api.bigcommand.com/v1/files/subtitle/upload


Parameter Type Description
file_id* String This is the ID of the file
file* File This is the subtitle file to be uploaded
language* string This is the language of the subtitle file to be uploaded. Supported languages are English, Spanish, French, Chinese, Italian, Vietnamese, Portuguese, Arabic, German, Hindi, Javanese, Korean, Romanian, Polish, Irish, Dutch, Hebrew, Indonesian, Greek, Filipino, Czech, Thai, Urdu, Malay, Persian, Finnish, Turkish, Danish, Swedish"


HTTP Status Explanation
200 OK The subtitle was uploaded
403 Forbidden The action is not allowed
422 Unprocessed Entity The input data was invalid

Generate Subtitle

Generate subtitle for a project file by it's id

HTTP Request
POST https://adilo-api.bigcommand.com/v1/files/subtitle/generate


Parameter Type Description
file_id* String This is the ID of the file
language* string This is the language of the subtitle file to be uploaded. Supported languages are English, Spanish, French, Chinese, Italian, Vietnamese, Portuguese, Arabic, German, Hindi, Javanese, Korean, Romanian, Polish, Irish, Dutch, Hebrew, Indonesian, Greek, Filipino, Czech, Thai, Urdu, Malay, Persian, Finnish, Turkish, Danish, Swedish"


HTTP Status Explanation
200 OK The subtitle is generating
403 Forbidden The action is not allowed

Download Subtitle

Download subtitle for a project file by it's id

HTTP Request
GET https://adilo-api.bigcommand.com/v1/files/{file_id}/subtitle/download

Path Parameter

Parameter Type Description
file_id* String This is the ID of the file


HTTP Status Explanation
200 OK The subtitle download url was generated
403 Forbidden The action is not allowed
404 Not Found No subtitle found for this file

Generate Translation

Generate translation for a project file by it's id

HTTP Request
POST https://adilo-api.bigcommand.com/v1/files/translation/generate


Parameter Type Description
file_id* String This is the ID of the file
language* string This is the language of the subtitle file to be uploaded. Supported languages are English, Spanish, French, Chinese, Italian, Vietnamese, Portuguese, Arabic, German, Hindi, Javanese, Korean, Romanian, Polish, Irish, Dutch, Hebrew, Indonesian, Greek, Filipino, Czech, Thai, Urdu, Malay, Persian, Finnish, Turkish, Danish, Swedish"


HTTP Status Explanation
200 OK The translation was generated
403 Forbidden The action is not allowed
404 Not Found No translation found for this language

Download Translation

Download translation for a project file by it's id

HTTP Request
GET https://adilo-api.bigcommand.com/v1/files/{file_id}/translation/download

Path Parameter

Parameter Type Description
file_id* String This is the ID of the file

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description
language* string This is the language of the subtitle file to be uploaded. Supported languages are English, Spanish, French, Chinese, Italian, Vietnamese, Portuguese, Arabic, German, Hindi, Javanese, Korean, Romanian, Polish, Irish, Dutch, Hebrew, Indonesian, Greek, Filipino, Czech, Thai, Urdu, Malay, Persian, Finnish, Turkish, Danish, Swedish"


HTTP Status Explanation
200 OK The translation download url was generated
403 Forbidden The action is not allowed
404 Not Found No translation found for this language

Example request and response data

Initiate file upload request data


Initiate file upload response data


Get signed url for file upload request data


Get signed url for file upload response data


Complete file upload request data


Complete file upload response data


Get file update signed url request data


Get file update signed url response data


List files request data


List files response data


Get file meta response data


Download file response data



Create User

Create a new user for your team

HTTP Request
POST https://adilo-api.bigcommand.com/v1/users


Parameter Type Description
name* String This is the name of the user
email* String This is the email of the user
password* String This is the password for the newly created user, this can be changed later by the user in their profile.
permissions* Array This is an array of permissions that the created user will have. Supported permissions are Create ProjectDelete ProjectUpload VideoCustomize VideoDelete VideoProject AnalyticsExperimentationCollaborationPlaylistsEdit StageView SnapsEdit SnapsDelete SnapsCreate SnapsRequest Snaps (Shared Snaps)View AnalyticsNotificationGlobal video settingsView IntergrationsAdd IntergrationsDelete IntergrationsView ChannelsAdd ChannelsEdit ChannelsDelete ChannelsView DomainsAdd DomainsEdit DomainsDelete DomainsView BrandsAdd BrandsEdit BrandsDelete BrandsView ContactsExport ContactsEdit ContactsDelete Contacts


HTTP Status Explanation
200 OK The user was created
403 Forbidden This action is not allowed
422 Unprocessed Entity The input data was invalid

List Users

List all users on your team

HTTP Request
GET https://adilo-api.bigcommand.com/v1/users

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description
From Integer The start filter of the results, default is 1
To Integer The amount of the results to fetch, default is 50


HTTP Status Explanation
200 OK The users were fetched

Get User By ID

Get a user by ID

HTTP Request
GET https://adilo-api.bigcommand.com/v1/users/{user_id}

Path Parameters

Parameter Type Description
user_id* Integer This is the ID of the user


HTTP Status Explanation
200 OK The user was fetched
403 Forbidden This action is not allowed

Update User

Update a user on your team by ID

HTTP Request
PUT https://adilo-api.bigcommand.com/v1/users/{user_id}

Path Parameters

Parameter Type Description
user_id* Integer This is the ID of the user


Parameter Type Description
name String This is the name of the user
email String This is the email of the user
password String This is the password for the newly created user, this can be changed later by the user in their profile.
permissions Array This is an array of permissions that the created user will have. Supported permissions are Create ProjectDelete ProjectUpload VideoCustomize VideoDelete VideoProject AnalyticsExperimentationCollaborationPlaylistsEdit StageView SnapsEdit SnapsDelete SnapsCreate SnapsRequest Snaps (Shared Snaps)View AnalyticsNotificationGlobal video settingsView IntergrationsAdd IntergrationsDelete IntergrationsView ChannelsAdd ChannelsEdit ChannelsDelete ChannelsView DomainsAdd DomainsEdit DomainsDelete DomainsView BrandsAdd BrandsEdit BrandsDelete BrandsView ContactsExport ContactsEdit ContactsDelete Contacts


HTTP Status Explanation
200 OK The user was updated
403 Forbidden This action is not allowed
422 Unprocessed Entity The input data was invalid

Delete User

Delete a user by ID

HTTP Request
DELETE https://adilo-api.bigcommand.com/v1/users/{user_id}

Path Parameters

Parameter Type Description
user_id* Integer This is the ID ≥≥÷of the user


HTTP Status Explanation
200 OK The user was deleted
403 Forbidden This action is not allowed

Example request and response data

Create user request data


Create user response data


List users request data


List users response data



List Contacts

List all contacts

HTTP Request
GET https://adilo-api.bigcommand.com/v1/contacts

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description
From Integer The start filter of the results, default is 1
To Integer The amount of the results to fetch, default is 50


HTTP Status Explanation
200 OK The contacts were fetched

Get Contact By ID

Get a contact by ID

HTTP Request
GET https://adilo-api.bigcommand.com/v1/contacts/{contact_id}

Path Parameters

Parameter Type Description
contact_id* Integer This is the ID of the contact


HTTP Status Explanation
200 OK The contact was fetched
403 Forbidden This action is not allowed

Delete Contact

Delete a user by ID

HTTP Request
DELETE https://adilo-api.bigcommand.com/v1/contacts/{contact_id}

Path Parameters

Parameter Type Description
contact_id* Integer This is the ID of the contact


HTTP Status Explanation
200 OK The contact was deleted
403 Forbidden This action is not allowed

Download Contacts

Download all contacts

HTTP Request
GET https://adilo-api.bigcommand.com/v1/contacts/download


HTTP Status Explanation
200 OK The download URL was generated
403 Forbidden This action is not allowed

Example request and response data

List contacts response data



How to upload your file using a presigned url

Our API only generates a signed (upload) url, that signed url is a link to our storage. You will need to upload your files (in binary format) to our storage through that url.

Example upload url
Below is an example of the returned upload/signed url.
PUT https://adilo-encoding.s3.us-east-2.wasabisys.com/mjhvjgftrFGgdf/gCdSgSsu/gCdSgSsu.mp3?partNumber=1&uploadId=3oj4R1F8tyjrns82scnorAfwR4E2jF2YtEsPA34TK8opZXSj3V3gKsOLL7BF1gddshgdssRHs4l8ui0OnPKip9Im7DZizPwi_EGFw4dn70wydOaaTidl0JDR4yq9R58nMQk6jI8M&X-Amz-Content-Sha256=UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=B3HSNGHP0MKECQHXBMdsfsaea22%f2F20220124%2Fus-east-2%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20220124T053944Z&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Expires=1200&X-Amz-Signature=0be0b1dfbd24215b0d872960ed5a71e4ac7b3704d33b6cb294d52a304a9c1132

Please note that this example is a reference to step 2 of how to create video or audio.

Example request





HTML Form input with Fetch API



Video Player

Adilo video player uses the postMessage browser API to track and communicate various interactions and states of the video player. This includes periodically emitting a postMessage to show the watch progress of the video, as well as emitting messages for other specific events.

With Adilo Video player, you get access to the following events

currentTime This shows how much of the current video a visitor has seen.
ready This indicates that the video is fully loaded and ready for playback
play This triggers when a visitor starts or resumes playing the video.
paused This event triggers when a visitor pauses the video.
ended This event triggers when a visitor reaches the end of the video.
subtitleChange This triggers when a visitor changes the subtitles during the video playback.
volumeChange This event tracks when a visitor adjusts the volume of the video.
resolutionChange This event logs when a visitor changes the resolution quality of the video.
chapterChange This event records when a visitor skips to a different chapter in the video
playbackSpeedChange This event tracks when a visitor changes the speed at which the video is being played.
CTADisplay This event logs when a Call to Action (CTA) element is displayed during the video.
CTAInteraction This event captures when a visitor interacts with a CTA element.
CTASkip This event records when a visitor skips or dismisses a CTA element.

Sample Code


Player Events Demo

For more detailed examples of how these events are implemented, please visit our demo page

Get Player Event Data

Current Time

Event Name: currentTime
This event tracks the specific time point a visitor is currently at in the video. It helps in understanding which part of the video is being watched.

Player Current time


Player Ready State

Event Name: ready
This event indicates that the video is fully loaded and ready for playback. It ensures that the video can be played without any interruptions.

Player ready event data


Player play

Event Name: play
This event logs when the visitor starts or resumes playing the video. It shows when the video playback begins or continues after a pause.

Player play event data


Player paused

Event Name: paused
This event records when the visitor pauses the video. It helps in identifying when and where viewers take a break during the video

Player paused event data


Player ended

Event Name: ended
This event captures when the visitor reaches the end of the video. It signifies that the viewer has watched the entire video.

Player ended event data


Subtitle Change

Event Name: subtitleChange
This event notes when the visitor changes the subtitles during the video playback. It tracks changes in the subtitle settings by the user.

Subtitle change event data


Volume Change

Event Name: volumeChange
This event tracks when the visitor adjusts the volume of the video. It monitors the changes in audio levels made by the viewer.

Volume change event data


Resolution Change

Event Name: resolutionChange
This event logs when the visitor changes the resolution quality of the video. It records when the video quality is adjusted, affecting playback clarity.

Resolution change event data


Chapter Change

Event Name: chapterChange
This event records when the visitor skips to a different chapter in the video. It helps in tracking navigation within the video's segmented sections.

Chapter change event data


Playback speed Change

Event Name: playbackSpeedChange
This event tracks when the visitor changes the speed at which the video is being played. It logs adjustments to playback speed, such as speeding up or slowing down the video.

Playback speed change event data


CTA Display

Event Name: CTADisplay
This event logs when a Call to Action (CTA) element is displayed during the video. It indicates when a prompt or actionable message appears for the viewer.

CTA Display event data


CTA Interaction

Event Name: CTAInteraction
This event captures when the visitor interacts with a CTA element. It shows when the viewer engages with the displayed call to action.

CTA Interaction event data


CTA skip

Event Name: CTASkip
This event records when the visitor skips or dismisses a CTA element. It indicates that the viewer chose to bypass the call to action prompt.

CTA Skip event data



HTTPS Errors are any requests with a response status code other than 200 (successful HTTP) that must be treated as API call failures. You should anticipate more JSON in the body of the response, with the error message enclosed inside it.

400 - Bad Request There's a problem with your request, which might be caused by an incorrect argument.
401 - Unauthorized Your API keys are incorrect/invalid due to a lack of proper authentication credentials.
403 - Forbidden The request was denied owing to a lack of permission. This resource is not accessible because your API does not have sufficient rights or credits.
404 - Not Found You asked for a specific item that we don't have right now.
409 - Conflict Vivamus rhoncus dui vitae eros tristique cursus (dui vitae eros tristique cursus).
422 - Unprocessable Entity This indicates that the server understands the request entity's content type and that the request entity's syntax is accurate, but that it was unable to process the instructions contained inside.
429 - Too Many Requests Slow down, you are sending too many requests
500, 502, 503, 504 - Server Errors An unexpected server error was encountered, and we're working to resolve it.